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Posted March 23, 2020

Mobile Browser Emulator


Speed Up Testing With Mobile Emulators

With the world moving to mobile devices, testing mobile apps across many mobile browsers is paramount. Manually testing your app in each browser on each mobile device is a painfully slow process and just can't scale with your agile development process. You need to release your apps frequently - up to several times a day to ensure it keeps up with users' expectations. Forget the old process of manual testing and start automating your testing. Run your tests using Selenium or Appium on Sauce Labs' Cloud to drive mobile emulators and simulators. Between Selenium and Appium you can test Web, native and Hybrid mobile apps on iOS and Android simulators and emulators, automatically and in parallel to greatly speed your testing across all the OSes and devices your users have.

Sauce Labs provides the world’s largest automation cloud for testing web and mobile apps.

  • Test Native, Mobile Web and Hybrid apps on over 80 different iOS and Android simulators and emulators.

  • Test Web and mobile apps in parallel to reduce your testing time and see how your app works across all the channels your customers use.

  • Reduce time of testing from hours to minutes by running tests at in parallel across as many mobile emulators or devices that you need

Scale testing on iOS and Android simulators and emulators to isolate defects earlier in the development cycle and shorten your time to market. Sauce Labs provides the most comprehensive mobile test automation cloud. By offering both emulators and real devices, Sauce enables customers to select the most cost-effective test environment for their needs.

Want to join the other developers and automate your mobile browser testing? Start a free 14-day trial and start testing right away!

Mar 23, 2020
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