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Posted February 19, 2020

EMA Research Report: The ROI of Sauce Labs

Digital confidence leads to a flawless digital experience, which can become one of your most valuable business assets. Find out just how valuable in this new report from EMA.


In this in-depth report from Enterprise Management Associates, leading application development analyst Steve Hendrick examines the ROI of continuous testing with Sauce Labs. Drawing on extensive data collected from more than 100 enterprise customers, Hendrick identifies the key benefits organizations achieve by deploying the Sauce Labs Continuous Testing Cloud - and explains why the most valuable benefit may not be the one you’d expect.

Download the full report today to learn how continuous testing can drive digital confidence and growth for your business.

In this exclusive report, you’ll learn why the average Sauce Labs customer:  

  • Achieves 28% revenue growth as a result of the new routes to market Sauce Labs helps create

  • Reports an improved customer experience as the single biggest quantifiable benefit they achieve as a result of using Sauce Labs

  • Says their development teams are now more productive and their products are delivered to market faster as a result of using Sauce Labs

Feb 19, 2020
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